
About Us ConnectChina (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

奈特华(上海)商务咨询有限公司是ConnectChina Ltd (英中经贸发展中心)的上海办公室。我们的主要服务项目包括:商业研究、商务沟通、商务考察、商务配对、项目管理、QUICKSTART英国和商务活动组织。我们的总部位于英国哈德斯菲尔德,在伦敦有办公室。

我们母公司英中经贸发展中心 (ConnectChina Ltd)在国际商务方面拥有四十多年的专业团队合作经验,并且二十多年来专门从事中国商务发展。成立于2004年,奈特华是英国北部最大的私立咨询机构,一直致力于为那些在中国和英国及欧盟间开拓贸易和投资业务的公司或机构提供独立的、专业的一系列支持服务。我们已组织和促成多次中英贸易访问和商务合作洽谈,并帮助800多家公司及组织机构在中英发展业务。

我们在各领域有着广泛的合作网络。在英国,我们与一些重要机构关系密切,包括:利物浦投资贸易署、创意谢菲尔德、Business Link、利兹市政府、中约克商会、利兹商会、布拉德福商会、赫尔商会、罗瑟勒姆市议会、利兹华人协会、英中贸易协会、48家集团和英国出口学会;在中国,我们在政商界都保持着良好关系,其中包括英国驻北京大使馆、英国驻上海总领馆、英中贸易协会、浙江省政府、杭州市政府、扬州市政府、西安市政府、中国贸易促进委员会各地分会、浙江省对外服务公司、中国国际经济技术交流中心(北京)、欧洲商会等。



ConnectChina (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is the Shanghai office of UK company, ConnectChina Ltd. Our main services include: business research, business communication, business visits, business matching, project management, QUICKSTART UK and business events. Our HQ is based in the Northern Powerhouse in Huddersfield and we also have an office in London.

Our UK HQ, ConnectChina Ltd, has more than 40 years expertise and experience in international business and over the last 20 years, this has focused on developing business between UK & China. Founded in 2004, ConnectChina is the largest private consultancy in the north of England providing a range of services to facilitate businesses and organizations to develop trade and investment in China, UK and Europe. We have helped more than 800 companies to develop their business between China and UK through our services and including organizing many business visits and business meetings between China and the UK.

We have extensive networks across all sectors. In the UK, we have close relationships with key organizations, such as Liverpool Vision, Creative Sheffield, Leeds City Council, Leeds Chamber of Commerce, Hull Chamber of Commerce, Bradford Chamber of Commerce, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, CBBC, 48 Group Club and Institute of Export. In China, we maintain good relationships with business and political circles, including the British Embassy in Beijing and British Consulate in Shanghai, CBBC offices, Zhejiang Provincial Government, Hangzhou Municipal Government, Yangzhou Municipal Government, Xian Municipal Government, CCPIT, Zhejiang Foreign Service Corp., China international center for economic and technical exchanges and European Chamber of Commerce, etc.

Additionally, we are member of the 48 Group club and Mid-Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and we have a good reputation in both UK political and business circles.

Whatever stage you are currently at with developing your business in China together with our network of established partners across UK and China, we can provide independent specialist expertise to make sure you achieve your goals whether it be SOURCING, SELLING OR INVESTING.